Contenido de muestra ipn
As part of the Convocatoria de Movilidad Académica Internacional y Nacional, for the period August-December 2022, the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) will send 145 students of educational excellence to universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
The polytechnic students will carry out academic activities at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano and Universidad de la Sabana, in Colombia, as well as at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; the Politécnico Di Milano, in Italy, and Chandigarh University in India.
The academic units with the greatest participation in this process are the Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería, Campus Guanajuato (Upiig); Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas (Upiita); Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (Esime), Azcapotzalco; Escuela Superior de Cómputo (Escom), y la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (ESIA) Tecamachalco.
Regarding national mobility, the Politécnico will send 79 students from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA), Unidad Santo Tomás; Escuela Superior de Turismo (EST); ESIA) Tecamachalco, and Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración, (ESCA), Tepepan, to institutions in Baja California, Jalisco, Quintana Roo and Sinaloa. During the young people's farewell, IPN Director General Arturo Reyes Sandoval affirmed that by strengthening this internationalization process, the quality and prestige of the institution are promoted throughout the world.
"You are going to break down walls and preconceived ideas they sometimes have about us in other countries, where they will recognize the academic excellence of polytechnics and the human quality of Mexicans.
Noting that these young people represent the first post-pandemic generation to participate in face-to-face mobility actions, Reyes Sandoval assured that internationalization actions are an obligatory measure in this context, since there is the experience that "major problems cannot always be addressed from the classroom or the laboratory; international collaboration is required".
He considered that this academic mobility process will test the students' knowledge and skills, as well as their ability to adapt and persevere, so he urged them to trust in the excellent training of the IPN.
"They are our ambassadors to the world, they will show the best that the Politécnico has and will give all their effort to put the name of this university and Mexico on a high level," he concluded.
The Innovación e Integración Social, Ricardo Monterrubio López, highlighted Reyes Sandoval's efforts to materialize the internationalization of the IPN.
"It is a work that he has personally done in negotiating with different universities and embassies throughout the world. We are convinced that we are sending our best students to represent the IPN and Mexico as ambassadors," he said.
Fiorella Podda Becerra, a student of Architectural Engineering at ESIA Tecamachalco, who will attend the Politecnico Di Milano in Italy, said that today they are saying goodbye to their institution, their family, and their country to achieve a dream.
"We have come this far with the support of our family, friends and the Politécnico, which helps us to fulfill the dream of living memorable experiences that will mark a before and after of our existence," added EST student Bryan Aarón Morales Fragoso, who will join the University of Quintana Roo.