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Program / Bionic Engineering

Is taught in: UPIITA


To train engineers whose mission is to design, develop and produce artificial devices with morphological and/or functional behavior and performance similar to that of biological organs or systems. Bionic Engineering is conceived as the set of interdisciplinary knowledge between electronics and biology whose purpose is the creation of artificial systems to reproduce the characteristics and structure of living organisms.

Candidate's Profile

  • The applicant must have general knowledge in the area of Physical Sciences and Mathematics that will allow him/her to make reasoning for the solution of computational problems the ability to work in a team with a proactive attitude of leadership have basic knowledge of the English language, in addition, to behave with ethics, responsibility, tolerance, and fairness.
  • Have completed a program of studies compatible with the IPN's Upper Secondary Level.
  • Solid academic background in Physical-Mathematical Sciences.
  • Academic bases in Logic-Mathematics.
  • Basic skills in the use of computer equipment.
  • Reading and comprehension of texts in their language and English.
  • Develop Autonomous Learning.
  • Develop Teamwork.

Graduate's profile

Professional capable of developing biological analogs to solve environmental problems from engineering, contextualizing the problems from interdisciplinary training in the medical-biological areas of technological development and biomimetic philosophy; that promotes with an entrepreneurial and proactive attitude the generation and management of projects within a framework of respect and care for life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice.


  • Solid interdisciplinary training that allows the study of living organisms: on their structure, function, alterations, and their interrelation with the environment to create biological analogous models and use them in the solution of problems in their environment.
  • Interdisciplinary character to synergistically combine knowledge of medical-biological base and technological development to analogize biological systems that are used in the solution of biomaterial design problems bioinformatics Imaging IA biomechanics bioelectronics and biorobotics.
  • Knowledge of basic sciences and engineering that allow a level of abstraction to generate mathematical, electronic, mechanical, chemical, and acoustic models based on biological parameters that lead to the development of design techniques, simulation, and manufacturing of biomimetic prototypes.
  • Knowledge of environmental education so that their professional practice preserves a bioethical correspondence with the environment with other species with gender equity and recognition of other cultures Knowledge for the planning, generation, and management of technological and research projects that respond to social demands with solutions based on Bionic Engineering
  • Knowledge to evaluate, classify and rank the social, ethical, scientific, and technological impact of their professional practice to participate proactively in the sustainable development of their environment.


  • Analyze with bioethical emphasis the structure, functions, alterations, and interrelation with the environment of biological systems from the interdisciplinary bases between the medical-biological and technological development areas.
  • Identify variables during the analysis of biological systems, and measure and characterize them to obtain response curves that lead to the design of mathematical models.
  • Make use of dynamic analogies to transform the mathematical models resulting from the biognosis of biological variables into engineering models that can be controlled and simulated.
  • Apply design, simulation, and analysis tools to the construction of biomimetics uses advanced manufacturing technologies.
  • Validate biomimetics by comparing their transfer function and the biological analog from which it was developed.
  • Apply biomimetic systems to the solution of engineering problems to order to satisfy the technological demands of society, establishing as premises harmony with the environment and sustainable development.

Attitudes and Values

  • Practice continuous updating in their area of specialization by reviewing the state of the art.
  • Exercise proactive and propositive leadership in their professional life.
  • Ability to develop collaboratively in personal, professional, cultural, and social contexts.
  • Maintain an interest in research and the development of new methods and techniques associated with the study of biomimetic models.
  • Protect natural resources and the environment through the development of sustainable projects.
  • Conduct themselves with ethics, responsibility, honesty, discipline, and tolerance in their professional and personal development.
  • Respect different cultures and species.
  • Practice gender equity.
  • Be congruent in the exercise of their rights and obligations. *National and institutional identity.

Academic Requirements

The requirements to become a student at the Institute are:

  1. To comply with the academic background and other requirements indicated in the respective call for applications.
  2. To take the admission exam for the higher level.
  3. To be selected for admission.

Work Field

  • Bionics is the study of biological systems to create analogous models and use them in the solution of environmental problems, understanding environmental problems that surround living beings. It begins with the study of the structure-function alteration and its interrelation with the environment to later detect, instrument, and identify the variables and with this create mathematical models (response curves, numerical analysis, etc.) that with the help of tools such as: biostatistics, advanced mathematics, biomathematics, calculus, etc., obtain dynamic analogies that help us to validate the models and after the validation simulate and manufacture biomimetic elements.
  • Concerning the above, the objective of the bionic engineer is solid interdisciplinary training that allows the study of living organisms in their structure, function, alterations, and interrelation with the environment to create models inspired by biology and use them in the solution of problems in their environment. In the Health Sector in the Biomedical, Biochemical and Biotechnological areas in research institutes in SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources), Secretaría de Marina, among others.

Curriculum Map

Check the list of subjects, credits and total hours of the program in: